Thursday, July 9, 2009

Billy Mayes

Where the hell has the media been? Everyone has seen Billy Mayes and come on, admit it, you love him. He was awesome and to make him even better....he didn't rape kids like MJ. He should have gotten more media attention that the plastic rapist.

RIP Billy

Michael Jackson....

Jesus Christ, he is DEAD people. Why is there so much media attention? HE IS DEAD!! He's not making anymore songs or doing any more concerts. He is in the ground. For all those who went to that stupid concert, I mean memorial, thanks for putting California further in the hole. Jesus California shouldn't have had to pay for that bullshit. The dude *slept* with kids. He held his kid out of a balcony, ya it's true, Youtube that shit. He became crazy, weird, and a pervert.

Shitty Videogames

Has anyone else noticed that there are sooo many shitty video games out there nowadays? Now I'm only a PC gamer and I can say that the majority sucks. Anyone here heard of FrontLines? If you have, your sad, and if you haven't then your soul isn't crushed. Ya what a waste of $50 dollars that was. BF2 which is old as shit now still is one of the BEST games you can buy. I mean it has 64 player online, which in 2009 is still a rare thing and has HUGE maps that are beautiful! Where are the other great Battlefield like games? COD5 is around the corner and so is Dragon Rising which looks promising. These games better not let me down, cause ARMA2 sure as hell did.

Youtube Commenters

WTF is wrong with these people. Now I'm not talking about every commenter, but so many of them are just plain fucking stupid. I can be watching a video about cars and there is a huge argument about how Jesus is real or fake. WTF? And so many of them don't make any sense or their English is just unbelievable bad. Not just like fast typing bad, but makes no sense bad. GOD!


I have a friend online who goes by the name Nitros, and he is an annoying bitch. He keeps complaining about Transformers 2(greatest movie ever) and how it's bad and Americans like stupid movies and that we are brain dead. Well I love my brain dead movies and I think he should go to Canada.